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Catholic Church Of Saint Primus And Felician

Saints Primus and Felician: Brothers in Martyrdom

Early Lives and Conversion

Primus and Felician were brothers born into a noble Roman family. They converted to Christianity and dedicated their lives to serving the poor and needy.

Martyrdom during Diocletian Persecution

During the Diocletian persecution of Christians in 304 AD, Primus and Felician faced persecution for their faith. They were arrested and imprisoned, enduring torture and suffering.

Church of St. Primus and Felician

In the village of Jamnik, located in Slovenia, stands the Church of St. Primus and Felician. This iconic church is built on the site where the brothers lived and served the community.

Legacy as Martyrs

Primus and Felician were executed for their faith, becoming martyrs for their Christian beliefs. Their story continues to inspire countless believers, reminding them of the power of faith and the importance of standing up for what they believe in.


Saints Primus and Felician, the devout brothers who dedicated their lives to the less fortunate, faced martyrdom with unwavering resolve. Their legacy endures in the Church of St. Primus and Felician, a testament to their unwavering faith and the power of their message of love and service.
